It's Friday! It's English Day with SDG!
是星期五! 今天是英文日!

Goal: To inspire the brilliance of life by creating rich experiences for students in harmony with nature.

SDG 13 Climate Action
3R's Reduce; Reuse; Recycle

On December 26th, 2024, the students learned about SDG number 13th which is about ''Climate Action''.
On the illustration, students learned to take care of the environment most specifically our resources at the school.
We, the teachers, introduced the 3Rs which are ''Reduce''  '' Reuse'' and ''Recycle''. 
The 1st  and 2nd groups made a picture frame out of recycled cardboard and recycled paper.
The 3rd and the 4th group made an ''apron'' out of shopping bags.

Industry, Innovation and  Infrastracture

If you had the opportunity to use technology, what inventions could you create to make people's lives easier?
The questions made everyone dream deeply of what they would like to become in the future.

SDG 2 Zero Hunger

The story of  '' Stone Soup'' illustrated by Marcia Brown.
Through storytelling, were able to show the students how the importance of the food on their table and how can it make a difference in the lives of each individual.
On this day, everyone at the school valued the importance of food/ meals.

Decent Work  and Economic Growth  

On this day, students were able to share with everyone their dream jobs and how can they help the community through their dream jobs in the future.

Were also able to encourage everyone to do their best to get their dream jobs in the future.